Estrogen In Men
What Are The Symptoms Of High Estrogen Levels In Men?
Some Of The Other Symptoms Of Low Estrogen Hormone In Your Body
What May Cause High Estrogen Levels In Men?
Causes Of Low Estrogen Levels In Men
How Do Low Estrogen Levels Cause Issues In The Female Body?
Some Of The Critical Functions Of Estrogen In Females?
We will find out what does a high or low level of estrogen cause in both sexes. So let’s begin...
Generally, the levels of estrogen in an adult male are around 10-60 pg/ml.
➣ Some of the high levels of estrogen in men include:
One of the common issues with rising estrogen levels in the male body is the gradual increase of infertility issues. Due to the rise in estrogen levels, the production of healthy sperm cells would be reduced.
This is because as you have high levels of estrogen it gradually causes low testosterone actions eventually causing low fertility issues in men.
One of the common symptoms of men having high levels of estrogen is the enlargement of the breasts.
The rising levels of the hormone make larger and developed breasts in men which is known as gynecomastia.
Generally one of the critical health disorders men can have due to high levels of estrogen includes erectile dysfunction which is a form of sexual disorder resulting in the lack of erections.
This again occurs as the levels of estrogen become primary and dominate over the testosterone hormone which is the male hormone responsible for causing a strong and erect penis in men.
It is not that high estrogen levels can only occur in adults. They may occur from a very early age in boys as well.
Those boys who have high estrogen levels would have delayed puberty changes. Within such boys, there will be fewer visual changes seen during puberty.
These include less growth of pubic and body hair, reduced growth of muscles, and so on.