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 Zhewitra 20 mg

Zhewitra 20 Mg

  • Active ingredient : Vardenafil
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Vardenafil 20mg
  • Manufacturer : Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Zhewitra 20 Mg

Zhewitra 20 mg Description:

Many men experience an erotic activity that keeps them away from their female partners. Men are deprived of getting and keeping a hard erection which keeps men away from enjoying lovemaking.

When there is no blood flow in the private area of a man, he cannot indulge in sexual relations. Every man requires a firm erection needed for penetration. Romantic relationships get affected when blood does not flow in the genital organ. 

When a man goes for diagnosis, his doctor prescribes him to take Zhewitra 20 mg pills. This is an impotence medication that enhances the concentration of cGMP in a man's body. Blood flow increases when penile muscles are relaxed.

For treating the condition of erectile dysfunction, this impotence medicine is used. Penile erection takes place when blood flow starts again in the erectile region. The composition gets into the men's bloodstream which helps men get a harder penis. 


Many men are not happy in their married lives and the reason is impotence. When a man becomes sexually impotent, he cannot be satisfied with sexual activity. The actual use of Zhewitra is to help men fix impotence problems forever.

As you start using this ED medication, this ED pill starts its action in no time, resulting in quick erections. The constituent starts doing its work when you are sexually stimulated. When you excite your genital organ, you will notice quick progress in the erectile region.

hardcore erection takes place when the penile region fills with adequate blood. Ingesting this impotence medication in a proper dose can make the medicine more effective for ED patients. 

Side Effects:

Men with erection issues often go through side effects after they consume Zhewitra 20.

Some side effects that can bother ED patients are 

  • vomiting 
  • diarrhea
  • skin rashes
  • dizziness
  • nausea

Talk to your medical professional promptly when a side effect does not resolve in a few days. Before taking this impotence medication, notify your medical practitioner promptly.


Zhewitra 20 pills need to be consumed with a glass full of water. Before you are involved in any erotic activity, take the pill an hour before. Consuming a pill of this impotence medication when your stomach is empty or full.

To avail the maximum benefits of Zhewitra 20, it is best to have this pill when your stomach is empty. Various dosages of Zhewitra can be accessed from all leading pharmacies.

As there are several dosages of Zhewitra, you should not take this dose on your own. Your medical provider will start with a lower dose, depending on the condition of your sexual health.

Do not use a pill of Zhewitra more than once a day which can make you suffer from side effects. Taking an additional pill will not provide faster erections. Rather,

it will lead to sexual discomfort. Not having a pill in a day will not make you achieve erectile hardness. In case you have not used a pill of Zhewitra, you have the time to cover up within 24 hours.