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 Filitra 10 mg

Filitra 10 Mg

  • Active ingredient : Vardenafil
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Vardenafil 10mg
  • Manufacturer : Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Filitra 10 Mg

What Is Filitra 10 mg?

Filitra 10 mg is a pharmacological wonder that addresses the issues linked with erectile dysfunction. Its main component is a brand of Vardenafil, a strong phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor.

This molecule helps to increase blood flow to the male reproductive organ, allowing for stronger and longer-lasting erections.

It is also beneficial in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, which is defined as excessive blood pressure in the lungs' arteries.

Filitra 10 mg is a generic medicine that is generally available in most pharmacies.

How Does Filitra 10 mg Work?

Filitra 10 mg's magic resides in its capacity to stimulate blood circulation. Relaxing the vascular muscles in the male genitalia allows for an increase in blood flow, notably to the corpus cavernosum.

This sponge-like tissue is important for penile stiffness during arousal, which promotes improved erectile performance and extended enjoyment.

Filitra 10 mg also relaxes the smooth muscles of the blood arteries, allowing more blood to enter the penis. This results in a stronger erection and a more prolonged pleasure.

Uses Of Filitra 10 mg

Filitra 10mg, while well known for its effectiveness in treating erectile dysfunction pills, broadens its therapeutic use. Physicians may prescribe it to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension, which improves exercise capacity by dilation of blood vessels in the lungs.

The medicine may also help treat other disorders, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, in which an enlarged prostate gland causes urinary issues.

Filitra 10 mg may also be recommended to treat pulmonary hypertension in pregnant women.


The suggested dose for Filitra 10 is one pill each day, ideally 30 minutes before indulging in intimate activities. This moderate dosage strikes a compromise between efficacy and safety, delivering the required outcomes while preserving well-being.

  • How To Take It

Taking Filitra 10 mg is a simple process. Just consume the pill with a glass of water. It is critical to prevent crushing or fracturing the pill, as this may reduce its effectiveness.

Furthermore, excessive alcohol intake should be avoided because it may reduce the medication's efficiency.

  • Missed Dose

In the event of a missed dosage, taking a Filitra 10 mg tablet as soon as you recall is suggested.

However, if the next planned dose is approaching, it is best to avoid the missed one. Doubling the dose to make up for a missed one is not recommended.

  • Overdosage

Filitra 10 mg is normally well tolerated; however, an overdose might result in problems.

Symptoms may include dizziness, fainting, and extended erections. Immediate medical assistance is required if an overdose is suspected.

Strengths And Substitutes Of Filitra 10 mg

Filitra is available in various strengths, with 10 mg being a moderate yet effective option.

For varying degrees of severity in erectile dysfunction, alternatives such as Filitra 20mg or Filitra 40 mg are available, providing flexibility in treatment options.

There are many Substitutes for Filitra available:

  • Vilitra,
  • Varditra,
  • Alvitra
  • Zhewitra.

Side Effects Of Filitra 10 mg

Filitra 10 mg is typically well tolerated; however, it may cause adverse effects. Headaches, flushing, dizziness, and nasal congestion are among the possible symptoms.

These symptoms are normally temporary, but if they continue or worsen, it is best to visit a healthcare practitioner.


Identifying the interactions of Filitra 10 mg with other drugs is critical for ensuring its efficacy and safety.

  • Drug Interactions

Certain medications, notably nitrates, might interact negatively with Filitra 10 mg, resulting in a significant reduction in blood pressure.

It is critical to notify your healthcare practitioner about any prescriptions, including over-the-counter and herbal supplements.

  • Disease Interactions

Individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease, liver, or renal issues should exercise caution and consult their doctor before using Filitra 10 mg. Adjustments in dose or alternate therapies may be required.

Precaution & Warning

⚠ While Filitra 10 mg is typically safe, those who are allergic to Vardenafil or have a history of certain medical issues should use it cautiously. Always contact a doctor before starting any new medicine.

⚠ Taking the medication in large doses or for an extended length of time may raise the chance of negative effects.

⚠ It's also vital to follow all of the manufacturer's directions. Furthermore, Filitra 10 mg should be used exactly as recommended.

⚠ Do not attempt to change the dosage or take the medication more frequently than suggested.

⚠ It is critical to get medical attention if you encounter any major adverse effects while using Filitra.

⚠ You should not use Filitra 10 mg if you are allergic to any of the components.

⚠ Consult your doctor before using any additional drugs with Filitra 10 mg. Keep Filitra 10 mg at room temperature in its original bottle.


Filitra 10 mg must be stored properly to be effective. Keep it in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight and dampness. Keep it out of children's reach, and do not use it after the expiration date.

Why Buy From Medyplexpharma?

Medyplexpharma stands out as a trustworthy provider of Filitra 10 mg, supplying genuine pharmaceuticals at reasonable costs. Medyplexpharma provides a simple and confidential experience for people seeking intimate health solutions by focusing on client happiness and discreet packaging.


Is Filitra 10mg Safe For Everyone?

Filitra 10 mg may not be appropriate for those with specific medical issues. Before using any medication, always speak with your doctor.

How Fast Does Filitra 10 mg Work?

The commencement of effect is usually within 30 minutes; however, individual reactions may differ.

Can I Take Filitra 10mg With Food?

It can be taken with or without meals. However, a heavy, high-fat meal may reduce its efficacy.

Are There Any Long-Term Negative Effects With Filitra 10mg?

Long-term consequences are uncommon, but it is critical to monitor and report any persistent side effects to your physician.

Can I Use Filitra 10 mg Daily?

It is normally indicated for on-demand usage, although your doctor may prescribe a daily regimen based on your unique requirements.

What Should I Do If I Am Experiencing Serious Side Effects?

If you encounter severe adverse effects or have an allergic response, get medical help immediately.

Is Filitra 10mg Addictive?

Filitra 10 mg is not considered addictive.