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 malegra 25 mg

Malegra 25 mg

  • Active ingredient : Sildenafil Citrate
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Sildenafil 25 mg
  • Manufacturer : Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Malegra 25 mg

What Is Malegra 25 mg?

Malegra 25 mg is a medicine that enables erection potency in yourself. With the intake of such a medicine, even males who are incapable of attaining penile hardness on their own will be able to get a long and hard sustainable erection at ease.

The good thing about using  Malegra 25 mg pills is that it can allow your sexual life to normalize as you can have sex despite your penis erection issues.

Malegra 25 mg has the composition of Sildenafil which is the generic substance of the pill. this generic element when activates, causes the blood flow to become more rapid through the penis tissues causing your penis regions to become much more sensitive to touches and stimulations.

 Malegra 25 mg and its generic ingredient of Sildenafil is a prescription substance so it will need the permissions of a doctor to be able to use such a pill.

How Does Malegra 25 mg Work?

Malegra 25 mg begins its mode of work through activation of the substance Sildenafil which is the composition of the pills. This generic element can cause penis hardness by inducing certain hormonal changes.

At first, the inhibition of the PDE-5 hormones occurs resulting in the cGMP hormones becoming more in concentration. This brings about the latter change which is the increase in the amount of nitric oxide and allows the blood vessels to get dilated under its action.

This essential process causes high-rise sensitivity in the penis tissues and allows you to achieve a strong and hard erection quite easily.

Uses Of Malegra 25 mg

The use of the Malegra 25 mg pills and their prescription use will only be useful when you are diagnosed with an ED condition.  Avoid using the pills unless you consult with the doctors as you do not have a clue of the preventive measures that you have to maintain along with the dosage routine that you need to follow.


Each dose of the Malegra 25 mg pills contains the smallest dose variant of Sildenafil which is 25mg of the generic substance it.

  • How To Take It

The way of administering the pills is through swallowing the medicines. you will have to use water to swallow down the medicine and for this, the best option is to use lots of water.

  • Miss Dose

Something that you cannot afford if you wish to have sex is to miss out on your regular dose. Missing a dose of Sildenafil does not cause you any erection abilities.

  • Overdose

Any excess dose of Sildenafil can bring in the worst side effects of the pills. to avoid overdose no more than a single medicine is safe for your intake. On the other hand, you also need to avoid suddenly increasing the dose.

Strengths And Substitutes Of Malegra 25 mg

The strength of the Malegra 25 mg pills containing an equivalent amount of the drug substance is the smallest. If you want you can still consult with the doctors to increase your daily dose.

Of course, there are many other high-dose variations of the pill such as Malegra 50mg, 100mg, 150mg, and 200mg. Such doses must be used only when you have consulted with the doctors.

Side Effects Of Malegra 25 mg

Remember that side effects and their possible reasons could be side effects. So you cannot be negligent when using the regular doses.

At times your body may need time to adjust to the actions of the medicine and this includes having side effects such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and palpitations, which are only the mild side effects of the medicine.

But things can get severe than this although these side effects are rare to occur. These include having high blood pressure, chest pain, blurred vision, and priapism.


  • Drug Interactions

A few drugs may have the capability of causing drug interactions. Such medicines include the ones that contain nitrates in them or the pills that have substances such as alpha and beta blockers.

  • Disease Interactions

High blood pressure, having undergone critical heart surgery or a health emergency such as a heart attack or stroke are the conditions when you may need to avoid using the Malegra 25 mg pills.

Precaution & Warning

Be cautious in your approach to using the Malegra 25 mg pills. Any more than a single dose for a dose can result in overdosing on the generic ingredient.

The medicine may not be safe to be used alongside the use of substances such as alcohol or narcotic drugs such as cocaine.

You have to let go of driving when you have just taken the pills because of having a headache or dizziness.


Storage for the Malegra 25 mg pills is only safe at normal room temperature conditions where the heat and humidity are less.

Why Buy From Medyplexpharma?

Medyplexpharma is the only website that offers you genuine quality drugs at cheap and affordable rates. You can also get home delivery both for domestic and international addresses.


What Can Be The Highest Dose Under The Malegra Brand?

The highest dose of Malegra medicines is up to 200mg.

Is The Malegra 25 mg Pill Safe For Mild ED Occurrences?

Yes, the Malegra 25 Mg pills are best for mild ED issues only.

How Long Is The Malegra 25 mg Pills Effective?

The Malegra 25 Mg pills can sustain at most for 4 hours.

Which Is Better Malegra or Viagra?

Both are branded medicines for curing ED and you can go for any one of them by consulting with the doctors.

Can You Use A Bottle Of Wine To Take Malegra 25 mg?

A bottle of wine can instantly contraindicate with Sildenafil causing side effects to occur.

Is There Any Other Possible Generic Brand Of Sildenafil Other Than Malegra?

Yes, there are other possible generic variations of drugs to try out such as Cenforce, Fildena, Silagra, Filagra, Fildena, Kamagra, and so on.

Can Females Use Malegra 25 mg?

No, for females the Malegra 25 Mg pills may not be safe to use at all.