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 Poxet 90 Mg

Poxet 90 Mg

  • Active ingredient : Dapoxetine
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Dapoxetine 90mg
  • Manufacturer : Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Poxet 90 Mg

Poxet 90 mg Description:

Men who are younger as well as older are prone to premature ejaculation. This sexual disorder can happen to men, irrespective of age. Men release semen before penetration which makes their female partners dissatisfied.

To have a pleasurable sex life, men need to ejaculate after or during sexual intimacy. Most couples are dissatisfied with their sex lives because men cannot control their ejaculation. 

Releasing semen much before penetration can dampen a man's sex life. If this happens regularly, get your PE diagnosed and treated. Your medical provider will advise you to take Poxet 90 mg drug. This is a well-known premature ejaculation drug that acts with the help of Dapoxetine.

When men start having this PE drug on time, they will be able to get delayed ejaculation. Moreover, this medicine will help PE patients have a rock-hard cock why they have sexual encounters. Having this PE drug regularly will help men overcome premature ejaculation hassles. 


Men who are sufferers of premature ejaculation need to take the Poxet 90 drug. Men do not get proper ejaculations along with minimal sexual stimulation at the time of sex. When men do not ejaculate shortly before or after penetration, men cause difficulties and distress in their relationships.

Many men stay away from their female partners and also avoid sex due to PE issues. Dapoxetine increases control over early ejaculation. The same constituent also increases the interval of time before ejaculation takes place.

As you keep taking this PE drug at a specified time once a day, you will not get recurrent episodes of PE. Premature ejaculation patients are advised to get this medicine from a trusted online drugstore after showing a prescription. With the proper use of this drug, men can release semen soon after penetration. 

Side Effects:

Men who have long-term premature ejaculation issues may experience certain side effects. Some side effects men may deal with are:

Serious Side Effects
Other Side Effects
dry mouth
abdominal discomfort
high blood pressure
low libido
upset stomach
sleeping issues


Depending on the tolerance level and age, premature ejaculation medicine needs to be taken accordingly. There are various dosages of Poxet drug which are given to me as per their health condition. In online as well as offline chemist shops, you may come across Poxet 60 mgPoxet 30 mg, and other dosages of this PE medicine.

A healthcare physician will start with a lower dose of 30 mg to suit the patients' health. Ingest a pill of Poxet with water in its whole form. It is permitted for PE patients to have this drug without meals or with meals. The medicine will work best when consumed at a scheduled time and once a day.