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 Duratia 90 mg

Duratia 90 Mg

  • Active ingredient : Dapoxetine
  • Form : Tablets
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Dapoxetine 90mg
  • Manufacturer : Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
  • Packaging : 10 tablets in 1 strip
  • Indication : Erectile Dysfunction
Inquire about Duratia 90 Mg

Duratia 90 mg Description:

This medicine Duratia 90 mg is a strong PDE5 inhibitor that men with erectile dysfunction (ED) take to help their condition. Dapoxetine, which is what makes Duratia 90 mg work, increases blood flow to the penis to help men get and keep an erection when they are sexually aroused.

Duratia, 90mg pills, are film-coated, oval-shaped, and Green. Each tablet has 90 mg of dapoxetine in it. As needed, they should be taken about an hour before you plan to be sexual. The first amount that most guys should take is two 60 mg Duratia tablets.

But some men who do not get the benefits they want with Duratia 60 mg may be given the stronger Duratia 90 mg by their doctor. As long as you don't take more than one 90 mg pill every day, you should be fine. Like other PDE5 inhibitor drugs, Duratia 90 mg will only work to get an erection when you are sexually aroused.


Duratia 90 mg pills is a PDE5 inhibitor that can only be bought with a prescription. It is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men over the age of 18. It relaxes blood vessels and sends more blood to the penis to help you get and keep an erection strong enough for a good sexual encounter. The 90 mg pills of Duratia should only be used as advised by a doctor.

They are only meant to be used occasionally and when needed, not all the time to treat ED symptoms. Duration 90 mg can help you get an erection, but it will not make you more physically interested or protect you from STDs. Some people may not be able to safely take Duratia 90 mg if they have problems with their stomach or kidneys.

Side Effects:



        visual changes

        upset stomach


serious side effects


        sudden changes or loss of vision or hearing

        chest pain or pressure


Duratia 30 Mg:

Some people may be given a smaller amount of Duratia tablets when they first start taking them to treat ED. Duratia 30 mg tablet can help people who have trouble with bigger amounts of the drug better handle it if they do.

Duratia 60 Mg:

If the smaller amount of 30 mg of Duratia is well tolerated but not working as well as wanted, patients are generally told to try rising to the standard dose, which is one 60 mg tablet. As needed, take one or two 60 mg Duratia pills about one to two hours before getting sexual.