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 Abacavir Sulphate Tablets

Abacavir Sulphate Tablets

  • Active ingredient : Abacavir
  • Prescription : Required
  • Shipping : 6 To 15 days
  • Composition : Abacavir 300mg
  • Manufacturer : Cipla Limited
  • Packaging : 30 Tablets in bottle
  • Indication : HIV Infection
Inquire about Abacavir Sulphate Tablets

Some Facts On Abacavir Sulphate 300 Mg 

There are viral infections that can be more serious than you think. HIV is one of them. It is a kind of virus that can badly impact your sexual abilities. You will not be able to have sex after this.

HIV can be transmitted to your partner and lead to more distress to manage all these. You need to suppress the presence of the virus inside your body.

You can take Abacavir to manage this. The drug helps men tackle this issue. It ensures that you can provide some assistance to AIDS that happens because of HIV.

The drug is associated as a retroviral drug. The main action of the drug is truly bringing down the HIV count in your body. Even after it becomes undetectable, there is a chance that it will still be present inside your body.

The medicine is often taken throughout your life. It does not cure your condition but ensures that you do not succumb to major bodily issues with this. HIV is so serious that it can even result in depth if not treated from the beginning.

It is because of these reasons you need to take a tablet like Abamune 300mg. The drug contains evacuate and helps you manage the HIV count in your blood. We must talk about the essential aspects of how we can take this to control our issues.

▶ Generic Name

  • Abacavir

▶ USA Brand Equivalent

  • Ziagen

Manufacturer Of Abamune 300 Mg Tablets

  • The Abamune tablet is an Abacavir drug that helps in managing HIV symptoms. The drug is developed under different brand names by different manufacturers.
  • This particular tablet is made by Cipla Ltd. The drug is made in Indian facilities from where it is exported as well.
  • The price of the medication is reasonable because of this reason. You can get access to the tablet in different online portals and over-the-counter stores.
  • The company has expertise in producing such tablets over the years. You can remain assured that they will be authentic and help you in managing HIV- AIDS.

How to Take the Abacavir Sulphate 300 Mg Tablets

The drug is an oral tablet. You need to consume it with some water. Water is the best solvent to have with the drug.

It enables the drug to come into action properly. You can consume about 300 mg to 500 mg daily. Consuming more than that is not suitable.

The 300 mg tablet is something that you can take once if you are taking it as a whole. You can also take 100 mg variance of the pill twice to get the same results. Consult with your doctor to know what suits your needs.

 If you are opting for the 300 mg variant of Abacavir, it is better to stick only to one tablet and a single day.

This allows the medicine to spread its effects properly without causing any distress. Ensure that you are consuming the medicine throughout the medicine.

Still, your doctor may be advising you to take this for some moment to test if it works for you or not. If your course ends, consult with your doctor before continuing with this tablet.

You can take the tablet with or without food. No interactions are observed if you consume the medicine along with some food.

Before You Use Abacavir Sulphate 300 Mg Tablets

  • Before you get the Abamune, you must let your doctor know about your medical issues other than HIV.
  • Other issues can interact or bother with the composition of the drug. You have to let your doctor know about your medical history.
  • You must also avoid alcohol as this leads to unwanted reactions. Avoiding alcohol is a must before you start taking the tablet. This prevention of distress can lead to immense issues.

What Should You Deter From While Having Abacavir Pills?

Avoiding alcohol is one of the basic things that you have to keep in mind. Alcohol leads to distress in the body. If you consume any drug along with it, it can interact with it.

The interaction can have negative effects on your body. These things are something that you must avoid.

You must avoid any beverage that contains alcohol. This includes cocktails, which may contain a certain proportion of it.


The dose will depend on the intensity of the issue. If you have higher-intensity problems, you will require higher doses of retroviral drugs.

The 300 mg variant of the tablet helps in achieving high-intensity HIV-related matters. You need to consume this once in a single day at a fixed time along the course of the tablet.

A doctor can also advise you to take smaller doses of the drug 2 times a day. Sometimes 100 mg variant of the people is also given in these cases.

➦ What If You Miss a Dose of Abacavir Sulphate 300

Missing the dose of the medicine is not advised. If you do skip this, ensure that you are having this from the next day onwards. Do not try to overdose as this can result in problems.

Ensure that you are not skipping the dose of the tablet to enhance your intimacy abilities. This will help you recover from falling intimate actions. You can set up reminders to ensure this.

➦ What If You Overdose on Abacavir Sulphate 300

Overdosing leads to distress. You may think it will help you. However, it results oppositely. Overdosing is something that you must avoid with this. Especially if you are taking Abacavir peel alongside this, you must stick to the dose of this tablet to avoid issues.

When Not To Use Abacavir Sulphate 300 Mg Tablets

Before you start taking the drug, you must know when you should not have it. If you face distress by consuming the tablet, you need to stop taking it immediately. Consult with your doctor of Medyplexpharma in such cases to let him know about this.

In addition, if you have a prolonged history of liver-related issues it is better to avoid Abacavir. These tablets have a bad impact on your liver. If you already have liver-related issues, it can enhance the distress instead of curing it.

Ensure that you are not allergic to it. If you get allergic reactions by having this, you need to avoid it. Consider talking to your doctor in these cases as well.

Tell Your Doctor If You

You must consult with your doctor if you are not getting quality results. Let him know about the problems you are facing.

This is more serious if you face allergic reactions by taking Abacavir pills. You need to let your doctor know about these issues.

It is also important that you speak up about your medical history.

If you have prolonged liver-related issues, it is better to let your doctor know about this.

What Are the Common Drug Interactions

  • The drug can interact with certain other medicines and products. Alcohol is one of them, it leads to distress, and it leads to distress. Avoiding alcohol is vital. Among the major drug interactions, it can interact with other antiretroviral tablets.
  • You must also not take this along with horrible supplements, which may exhibit interactions with it.
  • A good doctor can help you assess this and provide you with better knowledge.


Can I cure HIV by taking Abacavir?

HIV is one such disease, which is not curable. However, by using Abacavir, you can control it. You can use the tablets to treat the issue. It will help you avoid distress and protect against extreme reactions of the disease.

What is the right dose of Abacavir for me?

Depending on your need, the doctor can assess this. It will vary from person to person. Usually 300 mg variant is enough for most people. You can take the tablet regularly at a fixed time to get its benefits.

Is it safe to consume this drug along with alcohol?

Alcohol can exhibit interactions with it. It is better to avoid the drug in this case. It will prevent unwanted issues from happening. It will help you manage your issues without facing any distress.

What is the best place to buy this Drug?

The Abamune drugs are available in over-the-counter stores. Do carry your prescription to get this. You can also order them from medyplexpharma websites to get them at a cheap rate. It saves you money and also hassle.

What are the common side effects?

Nausea and headache can be associated as common side effects of the tablet. It can easily be managed from home without needing to take checkups with the doctor. If you face serious issues, you can consider talking to a doctor.